Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is teaming up once more with director Karan Johar for the upcoming biopic, ‘The Untold Story of C Sankaran Nair.’ The film explores the life of the former Congress President and advocate, focusing on his relentless pursuit of justice after the tragic Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Starring alongside Akshay are Ananya Panday and R Madhavan, with the movie drawing inspiration from the book ‘The Case That Shook The Empire,‘ written by C. Sankaran Nair’s great-grandson Raghu Palat and his wife Pushpa Palat.
Star Cast of C Sankaran Nair’s Biopic
Akshay Kumar, currently busy on the film set, steps into the shoes of C Sankaran Nair, alongside co-stars Ananya Panday and R Madhavan. The story delves into Nair’s significant legal battle against Michael Francis O’Dwyer, the former Lt Governor of Punjab and a key figure in the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
Recent reports reveal that Ananya Panday and Akshay Kumar were spotted at IIT Roorkee for the shoot, with an anticipated schedule of at least 20 days. Following the Jama Masjid, Delhi shoot, the next destination is set to be Alibaug. Ananya portrays a spirited lawyer in the film, directed by debutant Karan Singh Tyagi.
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Akshay Kumar’s most recent film was ‘Mission Raniganj,’ released in October 2023, where he portrayed Jaswant Singh Gill, the IIT Dhanbad mining engineer credited with saving trapped miners in 1989. Meanwhile, Karan Johar, after directing ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani,’ is currently hosting the eighth season of his popular celebrity talk show, ‘Koffee With Karan.’
Who was C Sankaran Nair?
He became the youngest president of the Indian National Congress during the Amaravathi Session in 1897. This remarkable leader was also the first Malayali president of the Congress. In his inaugural speech, he urged the Indian people to strive for the same rights in India as the British citizens enjoyed in England.
In 1915, he joined the Viceroy’s Executive Council, but later, in 1919, he resigned in protest against the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. When asked to appoint his successor, he nominated his servant as a symbolic protest. He didn’t support Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience movement, favoring constitutional agitation. He even wrote a book called “Gandhi and Anarchy” in 1922, criticizing Gandhi’s policies. He strongly advocated for the linguistic reorganization of Indian states.
Feeling disheartened by the conflicts between Moderates and Extremists in Congress, he endorsed Dominion Status for India initially, stating that complete independence could only come in the second stage. This influential figure passed away on April 22, 1934.