Over a decade since the release of the animated hit “Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan,” fans have reason to celebrate as a live-action adaptation of the beloved tale has been announced. Set to feature acclaimed actors Anupam Kher and Makarand Deshpande in pivotal roles, the film’s teaser dropped on Wednesday, September 13.
The live-action rendition of “Chhota Bheem and the Curse of Damyaan” introduces Anupam Kher as Guru Shambhu, Makarand Deshpande as Skandhi, and showcases Yagya Bhasin taking on the titular role of Chhota Bheem. Additionally, Aashriya Mishra steps into the shoes of Chutki, while Surabhi Tiwari brings Tuntun Mausi to life. The film is directed by Rajiv Chilaka, who not only directed but also wrote the original animated version that captivated audiences in 2012.
A Glimpse Into the Teaser
The teaser whisks viewers a thousand years back in time, immersing them in Chhota Bheem’s quest to combat evil. Assisted by Anupam Kher’s character, Guru Shambhu, and his devoted team, the action-packed sequences unfold, set to a pulsating musical backdrop.
Watch the teaser here: