10 Biggest Jackpot Wins in The History of US Lotteries – Powerball and Mega Millions

In 2022, a gentleman from California made history by winning an astonishing $2.04 billion, marking the previous record prize in lottery history.

Once more, the excitement of lottery fever grips the nation as the Powerball jackpot soars to an incredible $1 billion due to no winning ticket in the latest drawing.

Mega Million Lottery Winners in US

The upcoming Wednesday’s drawing will boast the distinction of being the seventh-highest jackpot in U.S. history, and notably, the third largest for the Powerball game.

Let’s take a glimpse at the ten most substantial U.S. jackpots that have been won previously, along with the states where the lucky winning tickets were sold:

  1. $2.04 billion, Powerball, Nov. 8, 2022 (one ticket, from California)
  2. $1.586 billion, Powerball, Jan. 13, 2016 (three tickets, from California, Florida, and Tennessee)
  3. $1.537 billion, Mega Millions, Oct. 23, 2018 (one ticket, from South Carolina)
  4. $1.35 billion, Mega Millions, Jan. 13, 2023 (one ticket, from Maine)
  5. $1.337 billion, Mega Millions, July 29, 2022 (one ticket, from Illinois)
  6. $1.05 billion, Mega Millions, Jan. 22, 2021 (one ticket, from Michigan)
  7. $768.4 million, Powerball, March 27, 2019 (one ticket, from Wisconsin)
  8. $758.7 million, Powerball, Aug. 23, 2017 (one ticket, from Massachusetts)
  9. $754.6 million, Powerball, Feb. 6, 2023 (one ticket, from Washington state)
  10. $731.1 million, Powerball, Jan. 20, 2021 (one ticket, from Maryland)
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