Good News For Harry Potter Fans, Harry Potter Is Back With New Cast

After a long period of time here is some good news for all Harry Potter fans. Harry Potter is back with his next installment “Harry Potter and The Cursed Child” with a new star cast. You guys must have remembered the last scene from Harry Potters’s last installment. It was a heartbreaking moment for fans because they were not going to enjoy this epic movie again, but …

harrypotter-end scene

J.K. Rowling, the author of harry potter has something more to add to the harry potter series. The new story continues with a time lap of 19 years, where the son of harry potter is grown up. Here is the new cast of “Harry Potter and the cursed child”.

Harry potter family in harry potter and the cursed child

From left, Harry, Albus Severus Potter (Son of Harry Potter), and Ginny

New cast of harry potter and the cursed child
Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley

Harry Potter’s Son, Albus Severus Potter (Sam Clemmett)

harry potter son in harry potter and the cursed child

Ginny Potter (Poppy Miller)


The all-new Harry Potter (Jamie Parker)

harry potter new cast in harry potter and the cursed child

Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger’s Family

Ron weasley family in harry potter and the cursed child

Ron Weasley (Paul Thornley)

Ron weasley new cast in the cursed child

Hermione Granger (Noma Dumezweni)

hermione new cast in harry potter and the cursed child

Don’t know how she turned from white to black, maybe because of some wrong spell 😛

harry potter the cursed child

It will be released as a book this year and hopefully, soon we will see the next installment of Harry Potter in movie theaters.

Green Mango More
Green Mango More
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