Google is Celebrating Star Wars Addded Grogu(Baby Yoda) Easter Egg to Search Bar

Hey there! Have you heard about Grogu’s playful way of celebrating Star Wars Day? Google has added a cool feature to its search bar that allows you to see Grogu, also known as Baby Yoda, on your screen! After you type in “Grogu” or “Baby Yoda” in the search bar, the little guy starts using The Force to play around with the top section of the search results. The more you click on him, the more he uses his Force powers and eventually the whole search page collapses!

The lead engineer on the project, Lucas Bullen, said that Grogu is such a fun character and has a huge following, so they wanted to give fans a chance to interact with him. He also mentioned that as a Star Wars fan himself, working on this Easter Egg was a real treat. Google always loves to add fun experiences like this for fans to discover while using Google Search. So, go ahead and try it out for yourself! May the Fourth be with you!

Green Mango More
Green Mango More
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