Kim Kardashian Opens Up: Sharing Her Feelings Ex-Husband Kanye West and Their Divorce

Kim Kardashian is opening up about her honest feelings regarding her ex-husband Kanye West in the latest season of Hulu’s The Kardashians.

In the first episode of the new season, which was released today, Kardashian has a heartfelt conversation with her mom Kris Jenner where she talks about the emotional pain she has experienced due to her divorce from the rapper. She also shares her frustrations with West’s unpredictable behavior on social media and how it has made it difficult for her to balance protecting their children while also wanting to speak her own truth about her ex.

“I spent my whole morning having an anxiety attack,” Kardashian says tearfully to Jenner. “I felt like I just couldn’t breathe all day. You know when you just are on the verge of tears, it’s like your throat is about to cry? That’s how I felt all day.”

Kardashian also feels it’s unfair that West shares a lot of their private family matter with the public while venting his own frustrations, especially since she has always spoken positively about him in public.

“Sometimes, Kanye will say to me, ‘Can I have approval on what you say about me on your show?’” she reveals. “And I will say, ‘Well, you just talked about me in this song, this song, this interview, this interview, and you didn’t ask my permission.’”

“Even through all the craziness of things that Kanye says about us, like, I never comment, I never post,” she adds. “I have to sit here and not say anything ever because I know one day my kids will appreciate that and I know that’s the best thing for them.”

Kardashian also tells her mom that she feels West’s claim of being her “forever protector” is false. She says, “The person who says they’ll always protect me in interviews is actually the one causing me the most pain.”

“I never say anything bad,” Kardashian continues. “I never say anything negative. If I say, ‘I’m exhausted,’ I feel guilty about that. I am fucking exhausted.”

“For once can everyone just get their shit together?” she emphatically asks, while holding back tears. “So I can lose it, just once? I want to lose it once. I want to have a bad day and I can’t.”

Green Mango More
Green Mango More
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