Lom Harsh Reply To The Legend Amitabh Bachchan Will Open Your Mind

“Its time for India and Indians to Unite for Nations Pride” 
~ Lom Harsh

Director of upcoming patriotic film Yeh Hai India, Lom Harsh said that now every Indian Must unite for the Nations Pride.

Recently Mr Amitabh Bachahan told that Its really painful to listen about India that Its a third nation. And its true Lom said.Yeh Hai India , Amitabh Bachachan

We are still the land of snake charmers for western people. Our students faces racism attacks overseas. Many of them lost their lives too.

Lom Harsh Reply to amitabh bhachchanThese attacks are not on Individual, these are against the entire nation, our nation ‘INDIA’.
People have forgotten our contribution and we need to stand together to tell the world the true potential of India and Indians.

The story of Yeh Hai India also revolves around the same concept where makers are trying to showcase the Importance of India and Indians to the world.

We started this initiative #isupportyehhaiindia and people are responding to it. BJP NRI cell Mumbai showed their full support to the cause and we expect all Indians will stand with us.

Kyunki is baar sawal desh ki ijjat ka hai…

Green Mango More
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