Michael Jackson’s Daughter Goes Topless To Show Her New “OM” Tattoo

Micheal Jackson’s daughter Paris Jackson (19 years old) went topless to show her latest tattoo. On her Instagram profile, Paris posted her topless image showing her new tattoo of The Seven Chakra which she inked on her chest. Previously she also tattooed her body to honor her father, Micheal Jackson.

Paris Jackson’s The Seven Chakras – Om Tattoo:

Micheal Jackson's Daughter's Om TattooIn 2011, Paris signed a fantasy movie called Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys which got delayed and expected to be released in 2019, but she is all set to debut in an action movie Gringo (2018).


This time she chose an Indian tattoo which has deep meaning, every chakra from the Seven Chakras has its own meaning. It represents the power of knowledge, speaking, see, love, feel, strive, and to be grounded.

Seven Chakras of life, OM

Later she deleted her picture for an unknown reason and posted another picture of her tattoo with clothing which is shown above.

Image Credits: Tumblr, Instagram

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