Soon after Apple launched its latest version of iPhone, iPhone 8 and iPhone X. Twitter has gone mad over it and started trolling it over its price and features. There are three new variants of iPhone has been launched, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X.
First, check out how interesting the new iPhone’s feature looks. Apple users always stay excited for the new version of iPhone. Previous version iPhone broke the record of selling it’s highest units in a day. Let’s see how much response apple will get from iPhone X with a huge cost of $999.
Say hello to the future. iPhone X.
— Apple (@Apple) September 12, 2017
Obviously, the newer version of iPhone costs way much than the old version and that is what triggered people and they started expressing it on Twitter through hilarious memes.
People’s Tweet on iPhone 8 and iPhone X:
When You Accidentally See The Price.
Poor people like me after knowing new iPhones price😀 #AppleEvent #iPhoneX #iPhone8
— Appie (@AppieTweets) September 13, 2017
This Protest is Quite Recommended
Protests started after Tim announced iPhoneX will use facial recognition to unlock. #iPhoneX
— Atharva 🇮🇳 (@_Shivoham) September 13, 2017
What about the JUDWAS?
So the iPhone X will unlock with facial recognition instead of home button. I feel sorry for iPhone X already.
— Vaibhav Vishal (@ofnosurnamefame) September 12, 2017
Every iPhone 7 User Right now.
this is honestly me right now #iPhoneX
— Super Nelson (@famousgists) September 13, 2017
I’m pretty much sure that these memes have been made by Andriod users and those who wanted to switch can get the iPhone7 because soon there will be a cut in price.