The Most Awaited Trailer of Aamir Khan-Amitabh’s Thugs Of Hindostan is Out Now !

Aamir Khan, Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Fatima starer “Thugs Of Hindostan” finally released its trailer today. Thugs Of Hindostan is one the most awaited movies of India because of the huge star cast. This movie is based on Indian pirates that made people compare it with Hollywood’s popular movie, The Pirates of Carrabian.

The trailer is out but as usual, Bollywood believes in taking huge stars for huge collections and ignores the detailing of the movie. Bollywood spends more amount on stars than the quality of the movie. This trailer is an example of that where you can see big stars with an awesome costumes but apart from that everything looks fake and animated.

Poor VFX in Thugs Of Hindostan's trailer.

The trailer starts with this ship scene which will drop you high expectation for Thugs Of Hindostan. The movie will surely hit a big number on the Box Office but it won’t satisfy the fans.

Watch it here, Thugs Of Hindostan Trailer:

Do let us know in the comment section, whether this trailer was good or not.

Green Mango More
Green Mango More
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