How to make a lion mask from a paper plate

How to Make a Lion Mask Using a Paper Plate:


(1) paper plates
(2) Cutter
(3) white glue
(4) poster colors
(5) black marker
(6) paint brush
(7) orange glace paper and scissors
(8) ribbons and tooth picks


(1) Take a round party paper plate and with the help of cutter make two holes for eyes.
(2) Now turn the plate n paint the back of paper plate in yellow color and let it dry.
(3) Fold the orange glace paper length wise n cut it for the lion’s fringe.
(4) Now put glue around the paper plate and paste the cuts of orange glace paper, now again put glue all around the paper plate n stick the ribbon around to give it a nice look.
(5) Now with black paint make eyes and nose of lion . After that paint the toothpicks in black color n stick them on the face of lion.
(6) make two holes to put ribbon or an elastic to tie the lion mask.

Also Try: DIY Paper Plate Watermelon

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Green Mango More
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