Life is a lot more fun in our head. Well, not everyone is same, everyone says. But what if I tell you there are few things that everyone does but no one accepts. As we are human, we hardly accept things because they are either embarrassing or weird.
But you don’t need to feel embarrassed about the things you like to do. After all, everyone has a different side that they don’t want to accept or no one accepts. Actually our human nature is this, we don’t like to confess anything until and unless it could possibly destroy stuff!
But let’s check out what are things that all of us do but never accepts:
#1 Picking nose when you are alone (And you just CANNOT deny that you do it because all of us do it) #UglyTruth
#2 Stalking someone on social media or being obsessed with someone and stalking them way too much. (Whether you are a girl or a boy, you have to accept you do it.)
#3 Bathroom singing even if you know you cannot sing. No matter how irritating voice you have but you love to do bathroom singing.
#4 Fantasizing stuff in mind or may be fantasizing someone you, basically, have no chance with.
#5 Wasting time while pooping or dreaming about the stuff that have zero probability to have anyway!
#6 Farting… karte sab hai but maanta koi nahi hai! Next time when you smell something just look around!
#7 Bitching about your boss. Basically, bosses are like monsters and everyone bitches about them. And they deserve to be bitched about!
#8 Lying to your friend about your plans or telling them “I have plans” but all you will do is eat, sleep and repeat!
#9 Masturbate. (Many people will still say they don’t it but most of us know they all do. So please stop lying that you don’t because WE KNOW THAT YOU DO IT.)
Images Source: Tumblr, Giphy