It’s been more than a month the fight between Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover, all is not good with The Kapil Sharma Show. Since Sunil left the show, the ratings went down. The current rating of The Kapil Sharma Show has dropped to 3.9 million impressions as per BARC India. which is the lowest of this popular show.
Three important characters Sunil Grover, Ali Asgar and Chandan Prabhakar are no more part of this show and now the show is struggling to get back on his previous track.
This What Sunil Grover Said On The Kapil Sharma Show’s Low TRP
“I’m here to work, not to have an argument with somebody and walk out of shows. I just want to make people laugh. Whatever happened was unfortunate, emergency landing ho gayi meri”
He also added:
“Ratings are not in anybody’s control. Even I have done a show (Mad in India on Star Plus), where the ratings didn’t meet expectations. If I was good with that system, I’d be working every day and doing 10 shows”
We just hope everything get back to their old place where people where enjoying both Kapil and Sunil together.
Source: The Times of India